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The Rise of Refund Policies in Crypto Launchpads: A Double-Edged Sword for the Industry

The crypto launchpad industry, a vital element of the blockchain ecosystem, is evolving rapidly. With increased competition and user demands, launchpads have introduced new refund policies aimed at protecting investors. These policies, which include mandatory and optional refunds based on token performance, are being marketed as user-friendly solutions. However, critics argue that these refund mechanisms may be detrimental to the industry, threatening the value of launchpads for projects and ultimately jeopardizing the ecosystem’s sustainability. Just because the price doesn’t do a 5x or 10x from the get go doesn’t mean the project is going to fail.

Refund Policies: A Breakdown

Many launchpads have begun implementing refund policies that offer protection to investors if a token’s value drops within the initial days of its listing. The typical structure includes:

  • Mandatory Refund: If a token’s price falls below the Initial DEX Offering (IDO) price within the first 72 hours of listing, all users are eligible for a full refund. Projects must forfeit distributed tokens, ensuring investors receive their capital back without incurring losses.
  • Optional Refund: Launchpads also offer an optional refund policy that allows users to withdraw their funds within grace periods of 1, 3, or 7 days after the token listing. Users can claim a refund if they are dissatisfied, providing further flexibility. However, if they choose to claim their tokens instead, they forfeit the right to request a refund later.

These measures are designed to offer users a safety net, allowing them to mitigate risks and feel more confident when investing through launchpads. While these policies sound beneficial on paper, they pose significant risks to projects and the broader industry.

The Potential Downside

The intention behind these refund policies is to attract investors by minimizing risk, but they also introduce several problematic aspects:

  1. Discouraging Project Participation: Many projects are becoming hesitant to engage with launchpads due to these refund policies. The stipulation that projects must refund all investors if token prices fall within the first 72 hours places immense pressure on development teams. It forces them to manage market sentiment, external factors, and investor behavior beyond their control. As a result, some developers view launchpads as a liability rather than a supportive platform.
  2. Short-Term Speculation vs. Long-Term Vision: These refund policies unintentionally promote short-term speculation. Investors may prioritize immediate price action over the long-term potential of projects, leading to a focus on quick exits rather than sustained support. This dynamic creates a volatile environment where tokens are dumped during the refund windows, making it challenging for projects to stabilize and grow organically.
  3. Erosion of Developer Trust: Developers are the backbone of the crypto industry. Launchpads that prioritize investor protection at the expense of developer welfare risk losing the trust of the very people they need to thrive. Developers, aware of the pressure and scrutiny associated with these refund policies, may seek alternative fundraising methods like private sales or directly launching tokens through decentralized exchanges (DEXs), bypassing launchpads altogether.

A Need for Balance: Rethinking Refund Policies

While investor protection is essential, launchpads must strike a balance to ensure they also create an environment conducive to developers’ needs. The current trend of mandatory and optional refund policies could be seen as an overcorrection, prioritizing investor satisfaction over the long-term sustainability of projects.

Launchpads might need to reconsider their strategies, focusing on fostering long-term partnerships with developers rather than viewing them as short-term vehicles for profit. This could involve:

  • Flexible and Project-Specific Refund Terms: Launchpads could work with projects to create tailored refund policies that align with their specific goals and development timelines. A one-size-fits-all approach may not be suitable for the diverse range of projects in the blockchain space.
  • Enhanced Developer Support: Launchpads should offer additional resources to support projects during their early listing days, such as marketing, market-making services, and community engagement initiatives. By providing a comprehensive suite of services, launchpads can help stabilize token prices and reduce the likelihood of refund-triggering events.
  • Investor Education: A culture of informed investment is essential. Launchpads could take steps to educate investors about the long-term potential of projects, emphasizing the importance of patience and the risks of short-term speculation.


The crypto launchpad industry is at a crossroads. While refund policies are designed to protect investors, they may unintentionally harm developers and destabilize the ecosystem. For the industry to thrive, a balanced approach that values both investor protection and developer support is necessary. Launchpads need to evolve their strategies, considering the long-term health of projects and the ecosystem as a whole to ensure their role remains valuable in the blockchain landscape.

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